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Young Buckwheat Leaves Powder

Young Buckwheat Leaves Powder(Independence bag pack)

1,Adopt to base planting the buckwheat leaves as raw material and process rules strictly of international organic authentication. 2, Pure nature nutriment without garniture. 3, According to the personal taste, mix and drink with beverages such as milk, fruit juice, etc.,
Certification:Adopt to the certification of “OCD”in china, “JAS”in Japan
N.W:150g/bag*40/ carton
Component:organic young buckwheat plant
Sanitation licence code:Heng Health License NO.(2006)-0110
Food production licence code:SC11613110200015
Perform standard:DBS13/013
Shelf life:18 months
Manufacturer:Hengshui Shanzhi Health Drink CO.,LTD.
Address:128,West Renmin Road,Hengshui City,Hebei,China

Supplement Facts:

Supplement FactsPer 100 gramsSupplement FactsPer 100 grams
Protein16.40gVitamin B26.09mg
Fiber22.40gVitamin B698.4mg
Total sugars10.1gVitamin E436mg
Total Flavone2.98gCr0.07mg
Buchwheat fagopyritols4.9mgIron14.8mg
Linoleic Acid31gZine2.54mg
Folic Acid59ugCalcium260mg
Vitamin C49.2mgPotassium1773.4mg
Vitamin B12.23mg  

Organic young buckwheat leaves powder:
1,Adopt to base planting the buckwheat leaves as raw material and process rules strictly of international organic authentication.
2, Pure nature nutriment without garniture.
3, According to the personal taste, mix and drink with beverages such as milk, fruit juice, etc.,
4, Having buckwheat peculiar fragrant flavors, simple and convenient, suitable for all kinds of crowds. 
Drinking method:
Drink 1-2 times every day, once 3-5g, or add or subtract consumption according to the individual needing.
1, Wash the cup cleans first.
2, Quench 150ml cold water or milk into the cup.
3, Put 3-5g the product.
4, Tighten the cup, wave to even.
5, Then quench into glass and drink, if put a few ice cubes, the mouth-feel is better. 
1, While quenching powder into the glass, should fully stir the ladle evenly, then take.
2, This product should be taken at once after mixing evenly and not put longer time.
3,Should put this product into low water at 40 ℃ to drink, please don’t put into the hot water directly, so as not to destroy the nutrient component.
4, Please don’t pour powder in the mouth directly, so as not to stop up the throat.
